Books N’ Betches

This trio met at work in the land of fake wrestling in 2014, spent many years being friends, then all coincidentally became sad during COVID, read some books, and decided to make a podcast to give people a reason to giggle while a panorama raged on around the world. Affectionately calling themselves ‘The Betches’, these ladies casually and comedically chat about popular books for about a half-hour every Tuesday by ranting, raving, swearing, and spoiling books, though they oftentimes get sidetracked into hilarious bickering banter. We make your day brighter, your commute more palpable, and your borderline unhealthy reading habit a little less lonely. Join us for a laugh and to feel a little lighter.


Erica Bakos, Maria Abreu & Kristin Greco

Erica Bakos, Maria Abreu & Kristin Greco

Erica is the face you might see on the reels the most. She is the one who reads the most books, has a new hair color every other month, and does cool make-up sometimes. She wears the same 2 depression sweaters intermittently and drinks 3 Diet Cokes a day. Erica wrote a book called ‘Flight Risk’, you can buy it on Amazon and be pleasantly surprised it’s not bad for a first-time author.

Maria is the second most face you will see on our Instagram. She’s the glue that keeps this podcast together, the best at our “Describe the plot in 60 seconds or less”, is a plant Mami, and her dad is an avid fan of the show despite not reading a single one of the books we talk about. She is also why all our content looks pretty and professional with nice graphics and tons of templates. AKA Maria is very talented.

Kristin owns a house on a river and likes water sports, hiking, and skiing. Oh, and like, sometimes reading. She is literally never on the Instagram stories unless it’s to fight with Erica and has taken a sworn oath to never be in an Instagram reel. Despite seeming like a troll every episode about the other two’s reading habits and opinions, Kristin actually does like Erica and Maria. She also very spectacularly edits all our shows and removes all our outtakes, including editing the video version of the episodes for YouTube!